Savanah's Story

Savanah's Story
Look out world here I come!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Page 8 Break through

Today we learned that she did well on the dialysis over night and her ammonia is hovering around the 50's. She won't have the vas cath taken out and the dialysis is on stand by, but weve made a break through. For days she has not been able to stablize the ammonia herslf. We learned that Savanah's body was starving. Her calories had been cut because of her weight and she was at a max. I can honestly say since they did that, now thinking back her body started to go haywire. her body needs as of now 100 calories an hour to maintain.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that things are heading in the right direction! God continues to answer prayers! Stay strong momma!
