Savanah's Story

Savanah's Story
Look out world here I come!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

page 4 Were not ready

Sadly that only lasted for a little while. Next a little powerhouse of a woman swung out of the doors and called out "Franks Family", my heart stopped. Jay had gone out to smoke, so I just went with her. My uncle went to get Jay. she took me back to this little room that looked like a room you would have time out in if you were a child. She sat there waiting only moments then I asked what was going on. She said ok your daughter just had cardiac aresst and pulmonary failure. My heart stopped I thought she was gonna say something I dreaded to hear. Jay came in and we broke it to him. He cried out hard. not that I didn't, but I never felt my dad loved me , and to see a strong man cry out for his daughter it was so much more intense. We were told that her body at one time can only take so much and we might be called upon for a decision to be made. She reassured us that they will not give up and they will fight until shes notes otherwise. My world fell apart. I crumbled to the ground like jello outside the doors when i seen my uncle standing there I just wanted someone to make this all better and have it go away. We went to the chapel. i was mad. Why is this happening, what is happening,why are you taking her away from us? I cried out my piece of mind. My aunt gin and miranda came to me consoling me and trying to reason with me. You are not alone is what they said and were not going anywhere. At that moment I felt she deserved this family as much as we deserved her.

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